
Epic for iOS and Android are live in the App Store and the Android Play Store. We're EpicBrowser on Twitter and on Facebook. Please feel free to also email our Founder directly with issues or questions: alok at hiddenreflex dot com

#1 Epic Privacy Browser - Privacy Features & Privacy Concerns » Don't Allow Extensions - Trust Will Be Compromised » 2013-09-21 04:08:36

Replies: 12

First I'd like to thank everyone on the epic team for producing a browser one can have confidence will protect their privacy and security.  This fills a critical public need. 

I see a number of posts by individuals lobbying to include their favorite extension because "this one extension" is so useful.  To begin that path is a mistake in my opinion.  Right now epic is receiving positive visibility precisely because the security and privacy is comprehensive and automatic.  To achieve the security users don't need to understand the underlying technology or complex browser settings.  Users can "trust" that it will protect their privacy. 

If you begin including extensions you risk epic becoming like many other browsers with questionable security and potentially losing the trust that differentiates epic from the rest. And in security products is trust is paramount.

To those that want to add extensions with its associated risk I would add that security, privacy and convenience are often on opposite sides of the design spectrum and achieving effective security may mean some extra effort is involved.  If convenience and modest security is what you're looking for there are plenty of those browsers to choose from.

Thanks again to the epic team.  I look forward to seeing the Linux version.

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