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#1 Epic Mac Bugs » No Extensions Shown MAC Epic Install Other Users Accounts » 2021-08-25 21:26:54

rbau25 | 000nine00
Replies: 3

When installing MAC for All User Accounts the following happens:

User Account used for Epic Install (for all users) seems to work properly
- Post Install / Extension Page Shows Two Extensions:
- Epic Adblocker + Epic Encrypted Proxy
Note: Resetting Epic when using User Account that installed Epic, the Extensions page will show more Extensions than Epic Adblocker + Epic Encrypted Proxy (e.g. "03_Umbrella Button'), until Epic restarted and then the Extensions page will only list Epic Adblocker + Epic Encrypted Proxy.

When using another User Account (not used to install Epic) Epic does not seem to initiate properly
- When Epic is Run "NO" Extensions are shown on Extensions Page (page is blank)
- There is no way to turn on Epic Adblocker + Epic Encrypted Proxy
- When Epic reset via Epic settings option, it will temporarily show Extensions running (e.g. "03_Umbrella Button')  though Epic Adblocker + Epic Encrypted Proxy are still "NOT" shown
- When restarting Epic "NO" Extension are shown on Extensions Page (page is blank)

Does Epic need to be installed to each User Applications folder and not installed into the All User Account Applications folder? Note: The dmg default is the All User Account Applications folder.

Any Suggestions or Feedback?

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