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#1 Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » The epic browser starts and closes immediately. » 2022-03-21 15:20:46

Replies: 2

Hello. There was a problem, the epic browser starts and immediately closes. Reinstalling doesn't help. The problem occurs on 3 home PCs.
The log file wrote this [0321/] ReadMemory at 0xcffff8d of 512 bytes failed: The ReadProcessMemory or WriteProcessMemory request was only partially completed. (0x12B)
The Chrome_debug.log file is not attached, so I'll copy its contents here.

[21356:22364:0321/] WebRTC remote-bound event logging enabled.
[21356:22364:0321/] Anjali Epic GetVersionNumber 
[21356:22364:0321/] Anjali GetVersionNumber() ---------
[21356:22364:0321/] iPhone SE 2 Epic GetVersionNumber  91.0.4472.124
[21356:22364:0321/] 078AB628: set chrome proxy config service to 078AB8D0
[21356:22380:0321/] Anjali GetProductNameAndVersionForUserAgent() --------- Chrome/ 91.0.4472.124
[21356:22364:0321/] Anjali GetProductNameAndVersionForUserAgent() --------- Chrome/ 91.0.4472.124
[21356:22364:0321/] Anjali GetProductNameAndVersionForUserAgent() --------- Chrome/ 91.0.4472.124
[21356:22364:0321/] Anjali GetVersion() -----------
[21356:22364:0321/] No existing Chrome install found.
[21356:22364:0321/] Desktop Identity Consistency cannot be enabled as no OAuth client ID and client secret have been configured.
[21356:22364:0321/] Dice migration completed.
[21356:22364:0321/] Desktop Identity Consistency cannot be enabled as no OAuth client ID and client secret have been configured.
[21356:22364:0321/] MutablePO2TS::MutablePO2TS
[21356:22364:0321/] Anjali GetVersion() -----------
[21356:22364:0321/] Desktop Identity Consistency cannot be enabled as no OAuth client ID and client secret have been configured.
[21356:22364:0321/] [16:40:02.441] Bluetooth: EVENT: BluetoothAPI: 0AE3C088
[21356:22364:0321/] Initializing BluetoothLowEnergyEventRouter.
[21356:22364:0321/] 0AF2D218: set chrome proxy config service to 0AF2D3C0
[21356:22364:0321/] Anjali GetProductNameAndVersionForUserAgent() --------- Chrome/ 91.0.4472.124
[21356:22364:0321/] Anjali GetProductNameAndVersionForUserAgent() --------- Chrome/ 91.0.4472.124
[21356:22364:0321/] Anjali GetProductNameAndVersionForUserAgent() --------- Chrome/ 91.0.4472.124
[21356:22364:0321/] Desktop Identity Consistency cannot be enabled as no OAuth client ID and client secret have been configured.
[21356:17048:0321/] Loaded tokens: result = 3 ; number of tokens loaded = 0
[21356:22364:0321/] AddComponentExtension Speed dial
[21356:22364:0321/] Component extension Speed dial (dfgnlhhjbdpobojgcbpnofdbidljflhb) installing/upgrading from '' to 1.63
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Epic
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Surl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Upath_piece() ==> /extensions/mac/updates.xml
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Spath_piece() ==> /extensions/updates.xml
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Epic
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Surl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Upath_piece() ==> /extensions/mac/updates.xml
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Spath_piece() ==> /extensions/updates.xml
[21356:22364:0321/] AddComponentExtension Cloud Print
[21356:22364:0321/] Component extension Cloud Print (mfehgcgbbipciphmccgaenjidiccnmng) installing/upgrading from '' to 0.1
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22380:0321/] OnFetchComplete dfgnlhhjbdpobojgcbpnofdbidljflhb success:0
[21356:22364:0321/] AddComponentExtension Интернет-магазин Chrome
[21356:22364:0321/] Component extension Интернет-магазин Chrome (ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb) installing/upgrading from '' to 0.2
[21356:22380:0321/] OnFetchComplete mfehgcgbbipciphmccgaenjidiccnmng success:0
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22380:0321/] OnFetchComplete ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb success:0
[21356:22364:0321/] AddComponentExtension Chromium PDF Viewer
[21356:22364:0321/] Component extension Chromium PDF Viewer (mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai) installing/upgrading from '' to 1
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22380:0321/] OnFetchComplete mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai success:0
[21356:22364:0321/] AddComponentExtension CryptoTokenExtension
[21356:22364:0321/] Component extension CryptoTokenExtension (kmendfapggjehodndflmmgagdbamhnfd) installing/upgrading from '' to 0.9.74
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Epic
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Surl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Upath_piece() ==> /extensions/mac/updates.xml
[21356:22380:0321/] OnFetchComplete kmendfapggjehodndflmmgagdbamhnfd success:0
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Spath_piece() ==> /extensions/updates.xml
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] Desktop Identity Consistency cannot be enabled as no OAuth client ID and client secret have been configured.
[21356:22364:0321/] AccountReconcilor::AccountReconcilor
[21356:22364:0321/] AccountReconcilor::Initialize
[21356:21892:0321/] You are using an old-style extension deployment method (external_extensions.json), which will soon be deprecated. (see … ions.html)
[21356:22364:0321/] Shilad dfgnlhhjbdpobojgcbpnofdbidljflhb
[21356:22364:0321/] MutablePO2TS::RefreshTokenIsAvailable
[21356:18740:0321/] StartRegistration for Widevine Content Decryption Module
[21356:21892:0321/] StartRegistration for Subresource Filter Rules
[21356:22364:0321/] On Device Head Component will fetch model for locale: RU
[21356:18740:0321/] StartRegistration for OnDeviceHeadSuggest
[21356:18740:0321/] StartRegistration for CRLSet
[21356:18740:0321/] StartRegistration for Origin Trials
[21356:22364:0321/] Registering File Type Policies component.
[21356:18740:0321/] StartRegistration for File Type Policies
[21356:21892:0321/] StartRegistration for Certificate Error Assistant
[21356:12312:0321/] StartRegistration for Intervention Policy Database
[21356:18740:0321/] StartRegistration for Safety Tips
[21356:18740:0321/] StartRegistration for Crowd Deny
[21356:18740:0321/] StartRegistration for Legacy TLS Deprecation Configuration
[21356:22364:0321/] AnjaliSK Epic Startup Page URLS
[21356:22364:0321/] Desktop Identity Consistency cannot be enabled as no OAuth client ID and client secret have been configured.
[21356:22364:0321/] Anjali GetProductNameAndVersionForUserAgent() --------- Chrome/ 91.0.4472.124
[21356:18740:0321/] Simple Cache Index is being restored from disk.
[21356:3032:0321/] Simple Cache Index is being restored from disk.
[21356:22364:0321/] MutablePO2TS::OnWebDataServiceRequestDone. Result type: 6
[21356:22364:0321/] MutablePO2TS::LoadAllCredentialsIntoMemory; 0 Credential(s).
[21356:22364:0321/] Canonicalized to
[21356:22364:0321/] Canonicalized to
[21356:22364:0321/] Shilad Kumar kmendfapggjehodndflmmgagdbamhnfd
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Epic
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Surl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Upath_piece() ==> /extensions/mac/updates.xml
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Spath_piece() ==> /extensions/updates.xml
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url Google
[21356:22364:0321/] WebStore_store_url  Uurl.host_piece() :::
[21812:8340:0321/] Available number of cores: 8
[7924:5496:0321/] Available number of cores: 8
[11964:9764:0321/] Collections of all histograms
Histogram: ChildProcess.FieldTrials.CreateFromShmemSuccess recorded 1 samples, mean = 1.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  O                                                                         (0 = 0.0%)
1  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%) {0.0%}
2  O                                                                         (0 = 0.0%) {100.0%}

Histogram: SharedMemory.MapBlockedForSecurity recorded 1 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%)
1  ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.DetachDuration.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.DetachDuration.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.HeartbeatLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.BackgroundTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.HeartbeatLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserBlockingTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.HeartbeatLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserVisibleTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumActiveWorkers.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumActiveWorkers.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksBeforeDetach.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksBeforeDetach.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksRunWhileQueuing.ContentChild.BackgroundTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksRunWhileQueuing.ContentChild.UserBlockingTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksRunWhileQueuing.ContentChild.UserVisibleTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumWorkers.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumWorkers.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.TaskLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.BackgroundTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.TaskLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserBlockingTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.TaskLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserVisibleTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: V8.Initializer.LoadV8Snapshot.Result recorded 1 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%)
1  ...

Histogram: V8.Initializer.OpenV8File.Result recorded 1 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%)
1  ...

[5328:13520:0321/] Collections of all histograms
Histogram: ChildProcess.FieldTrials.CreateFromShmemSuccess recorded 1 samples, mean = 1.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  O                                                                         (0 = 0.0%)
1  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%) {0.0%}
2  O                                                                         (0 = 0.0%) {100.0%}

Histogram: ChromiumEnv.StorageService.TimeUntilSuccessForCreateDir recorded 4 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x41)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (4 = 100.0%)
1  ...

Histogram: ChromiumEnv.StorageService.TimeUntilSuccessForLockFile recorded 2 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x41)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (2 = 100.0%)
1  ...

Histogram: ChromiumEnv.StorageService.TimeUntilSuccessForRenameFile recorded 2 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x41)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (2 = 100.0%)
1  ...

Histogram: LevelDBEnv.DeleteTableBackupFile recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x41)
0 ...

Histogram: SessionStorageContext.CommitResult recorded 1 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x41)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%)
1  ...

Histogram: SharedMemory.MapBlockedForSecurity recorded 2 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (2 = 100.0%)
1  ...

Histogram: Storage.BytesRead.ChromiumEnv.StorageService recorded 5 samples, mean = 42.6 (flags = 0x41)
0   ...
15  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (2 = 40.0%) {0.0%}
21  ...
40  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (2 = 40.0%) {40.0%}
55  O                                                                         (0 = 0.0%) {80.0%}
76  ------------------------------------O                                     (1 = 20.0%) {80.0%}
105 ...

Histogram: Storage.BytesWritten.ChromiumEnv.StorageService recorded 2 samples, mean = 9.5 (flags = 0x41)
0   ...
6   ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 50.0%) {0.0%}
8   O                                                                         (0 = 0.0%) {50.0%}
11  ------------------------------------O                                     (1 = 50.0%) {50.0%}
15  ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.DetachDuration.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.DetachDuration.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.HeartbeatLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.BackgroundTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.HeartbeatLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserBlockingTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.HeartbeatLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserVisibleTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumActiveWorkers.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumActiveWorkers.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksBeforeDetach.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksBeforeDetach.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksRunWhileQueuing.ContentChild.BackgroundTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksRunWhileQueuing.ContentChild.UserBlockingTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksRunWhileQueuing.ContentChild.UserVisibleTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumWorkers.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumWorkers.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.TaskLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.BackgroundTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.TaskLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserBlockingTaskPriority recorded 8 samples, mean = 4025.6 (flags = 0x1)
0      ...
10     ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (2 = 25.0%) {0.0%}
12     ------------------------O                                                 (1 = 12.5%) {25.0%}
15     ------------------------O                                                 (1 = 12.5%) {37.5%}
18     ...
48     --------------O                                                           (1 = 12.5%) {50.0%}
58     ...
124    --------------O                                                           (1 = 12.5%) {62.5%}
150    ...
13724  --------------O                                                           (1 = 12.5%) {75.0%}
16567  --------------O                                                           (1 = 12.5%) {87.5%}
20000  O                                                                         (0 = 0.0%) {100.0%}

Histogram: ThreadPool.TaskLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserVisibleTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: UMA.PersistentAllocator.UtilityMetrics.Errors recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x41)

Histogram: UMA.PersistentAllocator.UtilityMetrics.UsedPct recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x41)
0 ...

Histogram: V8.Initializer.LoadV8Snapshot.Result recorded 1 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%)
1  ...

Histogram: V8.Initializer.OpenV8File.Result recorded 1 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%)
1  ...

[3720:4212:0321/] Collections of all histograms
Histogram: ChildProcess.FieldTrials.CreateFromShmemSuccess recorded 1 samples, mean = 1.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  O                                                                         (0 = 0.0%)
1  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%) {0.0%}
2  O                                                                         (0 = 0.0%) {100.0%}

Histogram: SharedMemory.MapBlockedForSecurity recorded 1 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%)
1  ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.DetachDuration.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.DetachDuration.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.HeartbeatLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.BackgroundTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.HeartbeatLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserBlockingTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.HeartbeatLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserVisibleTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumActiveWorkers.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumActiveWorkers.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksBeforeDetach.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksBeforeDetach.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksRunWhileQueuing.ContentChild.BackgroundTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksRunWhileQueuing.ContentChild.UserBlockingTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumTasksRunWhileQueuing.ContentChild.UserVisibleTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumWorkers.ContentChild.Background recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.NumWorkers.ContentChild.Foreground recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.TaskLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.BackgroundTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.TaskLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserBlockingTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: ThreadPool.TaskLatencyMicroseconds.ContentChild.UserVisibleTaskPriority recorded 0 samples (flags = 0x1)
0 ...

Histogram: V8.Initializer.LoadV8Snapshot.Result recorded 1 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%)
1  ...

Histogram: V8.Initializer.OpenV8File.Result recorded 1 samples, mean = 0.0 (flags = 0x1)
0  ------------------------------------------------------------------------O (1 = 100.0%)
1  ...

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