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Pages: 1
This download/Install system is A 20 CAR TRAIN WRECK and needs a major overhaul. I am downloading ONLY from your servers yet EVERY install either doesn't complete or IF it does there is NO EXE file anywhere. I have seen where You have told others there are not certain messages they tell you about on YOUR servers...But I can assure those messages DO EXIST and HOW you have no knowledge of them is quite frankly Staggering..
Checking %localappdata% shows NO install or Download files present. It shows the Epic updater as completing but after dozens of attempts there is still no exe file. I am doing this on a Fresh Win 7 home premium install and have even used my VPN set to Russia ( which is the Only thing that worked on my last Win 7 computer ) Do you have any sort of fix yet or do I give up, not pay for for my monthly sub, and go look for a different Browser ?
I am a huge fan of your work but I must say your developers have really dropped the ball on finding ( or even looking ) for a solution as I see dozens of people with this same complain on different forums as well as yours...Sign me - Very Disappointed -
Pages: 1