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#1 Re: Epic Mac Bugs » Microphone not working » 2022-02-08 01:56:07

Sorry, with the speaker I can hear the test, but when I call somebody they cannot hear me and I cannot hear them.

#2 Epic Mac Bugs » Microphone not working » 2022-02-08 01:11:44

Replies: 6

Logged in to Microphone is recognized, but microphone test does nothing. Speaker is recognized but I cannot hear anything when testing with I have "Allowed" both the microphone AND the speaker, but neither work in Google Voice. I read that Epic prevents sites from accessing microphone or activating silent speaker sound. Where is this setting?

I am using Mojave 10.14.6 with Epic activated in Mac Settings - Security & Privacy - Microphone.

Interesting enough Epic is not even listed as an option to check for the in Mac Settings - Security & Privacy - Camera.

Please help.

Also, can you please provide a list of all URLs to allow cookies from so that products work.


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