
Epic for iOS and Android are live in the App Store and the Android Play Store. We're EpicBrowser on Twitter and on Facebook. Please feel free to also email our Founder directly with issues or questions: alok at hiddenreflex dot com

#1 Re: General » Not Opening Some Sites on Epic Browser! » 2023-04-28 04:56:57


This could be due to a number of factors, including a problem with the website, your internet connection, or your browser settings or add-ons. To troubleshoot the problem, clear your browser's cache and cookies, disable browser extensions, and update your browser to the most recent version. If the issue persists, you should contact Epic Browser's support team for assistance.

#2 Re: General » deleted topic » 2023-04-28 04:49:03

Hi admin,

I also have the same problem.

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