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#1 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Privacy Features & Privacy Concerns » Forgot to close browser » 2023-04-25 09:22:25

What if I forgot to close and unplugged the Desktop's cable? Would it delete the cookies on next launch?

#2 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Privacy Features & Privacy Concerns » Questions related to the searches made by using Yahoo » 2023-04-24 15:10:49

Thanks for the answer! Btw, may you kindly add the option to change search engine? You can still keep Yahoo as default search engine as they're supporting you.

By the way, I know that DuckDuckGo or similar search engines aren't very secure but at least are better than Yahoo in terms of privacy; so, I think you should technically ask DuckDuckGo or any of the similar search engine's manufacturers to pay you, to keep their search engine as default in your browser. That's gonna increase your reputation as well, in the field of private browsers.

#3 Epic Privacy Browser - Privacy Features & Privacy Concerns » Forgot to close browser » 2023-04-24 15:07:03

Anonymous User
Replies: 3

If I shut down my computer before closing Epic Privacy browser by mistake, would the cookies get deleted? And if not, how do I manually delete them? Do I have to uninstall and re-install Epic Privacy Browser?

#4 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Privacy Features & Privacy Concerns » Questions related to the searches made by using Yahoo » 2023-04-20 18:30:46

Ignore the 'Hi there,'; it was added as my signature, I didn't know that it would be added here like this

#5 Epic Privacy Browser - Privacy Features & Privacy Concerns » Questions related to the searches made by using Yahoo » 2023-04-20 18:29:03

Anonymous User
Replies: 6

Hi there, I am looking for the answers of the following questions;

When someone searches using the default search engine (Yahoo) on Epic Privacy browser,

1) Are the search queries/ keywords stored as it was typed or the query gets encrypted or query becomes gibberish?

2) Is the IP address and other information which can be used to track the searcher stored?

3) Are yahoo cookies also deleted after closing the browser?

Thanks for reading, I would be waiting for the answers smile

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