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#1 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » CloudFlare DDoS Protection Fails to Execute, Infinite Loop » 2023-10-13 01:38:35

I don't think colors would help, maybe if each link had a unique color.  Best would be to make the quicklinks bigger so more than 4 letters could fit in each one, right now a lot just say "www." and I have to hover the mouse on them to see which is which.

#2 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » CloudFlare DDoS Protection Fails to Execute, Infinite Loop » 2023-09-29 18:40:21

For the first time I can actually load and click on the verify your humanity box, thank you for the fix.
Not a huge fan of the updated new tab page though, much tougher to see which quicklink is which now.

#4 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » CloudFlare DDoS Protection Fails to Execute, Infinite Loop » 2023-09-15 19:09:03

cubemstr wrote:

It seemed to work for about a week or two but now it's back to not working anymore.

Same for me, I was able to view sites normally for a few days and actually came here to say thanks, issue looks solved, but I just retried and get stuck on the just a moment screen forever once again.

#5 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » CloudFlare DDoS Protection Fails to Execute, Infinite Loop » 2023-09-08 06:52:25

Man in the Moon wrote:

En español: / In Spanish:

Con absoluto respeto hacia toda la gente de buena voluntad que participa en este foro, tengo que decir al respecto de este asunto que creo que andamos muy equivocados con el enfoque que venimos haciendo del problema.

Miramos hacia Epic Privacy Browser como si éste tuviera el problema o como si éste fuera el problema.

Pero no es así, amigos. El problema está en Cloudflare. El problema es Cloudflare. No hay que mirar hacia ningún otro sitio buscando dónde está el problema.

¿Por qué digo esto? Muy sencillo. En toda mi experiencia en Android, prácticamente, no he conocido el uso de ningún Browser que no haya caído alguna vez en ése maldito bucle infinito sin solución posible con el que nos obsequia Cloudflare a cada rato.

Sí. Estoy diciendo que vengo encontrándome con ese maldito bucle infinito de Cloudflare al utilizar otros Browsers de sobrada reputación. ¿Todos esos otros Browsers están siendo tan pésimamente construidos?... ¿Ninguno de sus desarrolladores es merecedor de la consideración de Ingeniero?... Firefox, Opera, Kiwi, Brave, Tor, Orbot for Android... No, amigos. El problema es y siempre ha sido Cloudflare.

Cloudflare es quién necesita una revisión a fondo. Una profunda reparación. Una reconstrucción total. Porque en la actualidad no es más que un gigantesco sistema robótico enloquecido. Un gigantesco sistema robótico enloquecido, pretendiendo que le demostremos nuestra humanidad a cada paso que damos. ¿Puede haber algo más absurdo?...

Observad que Cloudflare no ha sido preparado con la lógica de estar presente para detectar e identificar a otros robots dañinos o peligrosos de manera automática. No. De eso nada. La máquina ha sido dispuesta para dar el alto, detener e identificar personas. Y cuando los automatismos de la máquina fallan, las personas se quedan sin más fuera del juego al no poder demostrar su humanidad. En realidad no importan los Proxy. En realidad no importan las VPN. En realidad no importan las Onion. A Cloudflare parece que, lo que no le gustan, son los "enmascaramientos"... Así que, yendo por la Red del modo que a Cloudflare le plazca, evitaremos el problema. Y está claro que a este falso "Guardian de la Red" le interesa que caminemos completamente desnudos.

Por lo tanto, ¿truco o trato?...

In English: / En inglés:

With absolute respect to all the people of good will who participate in this forum, I have to say regarding this matter that I believe we are very wrong with the approach we have been taking to the problem.

We look at Epic Privacy Browser as if it has the problem or as if this is the problem.

But it's not like that, friends. The problem is with Cloudflare. The problem is Cloudflare. You don't have to look anywhere else looking for where the problem is.

¿Why do I say this? Very easy. In all my experience on Android, practically, I have not known the use of any Browser that has not at some point fallen into that damn infinite loop with no possible solution that Cloudflare gives us all the time.

Yes. I'm saying that I have been encountering that damn Cloudflare infinite loop when using other highly reputable Browsers. ¿Are all those other Browsers being so poorly built?... ¿Are none of their developers worthy of Engineer consideration?... Firefox, Opera, Kiwi, Brave, Tor, Orbot for Android... No, friends. The problem is and always has been Cloudflare.

Cloudflare is the one who needs a major overhaul. A deep repair. A total reconstruction. Because currently it is nothing more than a gigantic robotic system gone crazy. A gigantic robotic system gone crazy, wanting us to prove our humanity with every step we take. ¿Could there be anything more absurd?...

Please, note that Cloudflare has not been prepared with the logic of being present to detect and identify other harmful or dangerous robots automatically. No. Nothing of that. The machine has been arranged to stop, detain and identify people. And when the machine's automatisms fail, people are simply left out of the game by not being able to demonstrate their humanity. Proxies don't really matter. VPNs don't really matter. The Onions don't really matter. It seems that what Cloudflare doesn't like are "maskings"... So, by going around the Internet the way Cloudflare likes, we'll avoid the problem. And it is clear that this false "Guardian of the Net" is interested in us walking around completely naked.

Therefore, ¿trick or treat?...

Both on my android phone and my PC, I have never noticed this problem on any other browser.  Certainly not on such a big one as firefox.

#7 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » CloudFlare DDoS Protection Fails to Execute, Infinite Loop » 2023-08-27 21:17:39

Chiming in here to say that all of a sudden seems like a lot of sites have jumped on the cloudflare service and at this point it's almost tougher to find sites Epic can load.  This really needs a fix.

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