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#1 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Epic doesn’t open on macOS » 2024-01-24 13:14:55

It still doesn’t work. I retried yesterday, and Epic worked; today, it would not even open. Same as before.

By the way, why is this topic listed as “not approved”?

#2 Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Epic doesn’t open on macOS » 2023-10-20 11:15:54

Replies: 1

I was happy to see an update as the “old” version keeps getting more and more unusable. Alas, the updated Epic won’t even open on my Mac.

I had this issue when the update came out. I successfully downloaded the DMG file and placed the app in my Applications folder, but I could NOT get it to work. I didn’t even see a window open. Epic tried to run but vanished the same moment.

I continued using the version before. Yesterday, I removed each and every file and folder connected with “epic” or “hiddenreflex”, downloaded the update anew, and in fact got it to run. I closed the app in the evening, and when I tried to open it again today—the same problem again. It doesn’t even open a window.

I wonder if the problem lies in any setting I made in the preferences. During my very first try, when Epic wouldn’t open, the preferences of the preceding version were still present. Yesterday I had removed any Epic file including my preferences before installation so Epic opened on default settings. I did alter preferences, then—and Bang!, Epic doesn’t open anymore. I don’t have the time, though, to try step by step what setting it might be. Is there a shorter way to find out what hinders Epic from even opening a window?

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