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#1 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Privacy Features & Privacy Concerns » Don't Allow Extensions - Trust Will Be Compromised » 2013-09-23 10:56:19

I agree with publicservice100, Epic should not become like any other browsers and put convenience in front of security. And it's true that achieving effective security may require some extra effort. That's why it's important to make people realize the impact of their choice.
Nowadays if your are on internet and you start being concerned about your privacy, your should look around and start understanding what behavior might compromise it. I believe epic browser is for that kind of people. You cannot enforce privacy, people need to understand what it implies to have privacy on internet. That's were I disagree with publicservice100; If someone start to use and "trust" Epic and believe that now he can do anything he want because he use a safe browser, there is a problem. Any technology, as good as it can be, will never be more powerful than education.
Anything that you do on internet can be public and should be considered public! People need to understand that online actions have an real impact.
Epic is for me a tool more than a solution to privacy problem.

Now I agree that making my parents understand the importance of online privacy will be a huge task smile

Idealy if we could have a native implementation of the requested applications (like NoScript for instance) that would be more than I could ask for. But it put a lot of pressure on the epic team…

Side note : I really appreciate the reactivity of the Epic team on the forum !

#2 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Other Feature Requests & Ideas » Bring back extensions for the privacy risk-takers » 2013-09-17 12:25:16

Hello all,

I use keepass. It's similar to Lastpass except it's opensource. Having keepass integrated (as it can be in firefox through extension) would be very nice.

As for the enable button with a privacy warning, I think it's a good idea. Holding on the ideals, as suggest kittengnu, is counterproductive in the long run in my opinion. The person that will use Epic are people already aware of general privacy issues. It's never good to block entirely something just because it's supposed to be better for everybody. People need to be in charge of their privacy. If they want to jump on the button and enable all extension, they should be able to do it, as long as there is a warning sign telling them why they shouldn't. Imposing something mean you take away the possibility for the people to make the choice and understand the implication of that choice.
Now it could be nice to have an indicator of the global privacy settings. Maybe a percentage with 100% being all security option enable and zero being normal internet settings (epic would never go there obviously) ; or Maybe a slider bar with on one side privacy and on the other normal internet experience. This indicator would be a reminder for the average Joe of the implication of his choice on his daily security. But I'm just brainstorming here, I have no idea if it would be easy to implement smile

Another extensions that I would need in order to make a full switch is DuckDuckGo's browser plug-in. You seem to follow the same kind of values with those guys. Maybe a partnership could be nice because I don't know nothing about the epic search engine and I don't feel like learning about a new one. Duckduckgo suits my needs ; Plus they have !bangs !

The cherry on the cake would be a undo closed tab button like in Opera, but I can wait a little bit more for that smile

As you can see I'm quite enthusiastic about Epic browser so, please, keep up the good work !

#3 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Other Feature Requests & Ideas » Block Javascript please! » 2013-09-17 10:50:10

Hello all,

I would like to second this request. A simple way to temporarily or permanently add exception to JavaScript blocking would be wonderful. If it can become as complex as NoScript it's even better ; But a simpler implementation would already be very good !

Keep up the good work !

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