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#1 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Other Feature Requests & Ideas » FAVICONS » 2020-09-06 22:00:14

It still would be nice to have favicons for bookmarks, I think. I hope you can do it. It is kind of nice to be able to reduce a bookmark in the toolbar to just the favicon and no text. I can do it in Brave and Chrome, but I use Epic a lot more, and so to have my favorite search engine icons in the toolbar like I do in the other browsers would be nice. I use Epic a lot for searching, even for mundane things, and only transfer a result to Brave or Chrome if it is relevant to what I am doing, which is usually something related to health or computer programming. I also use it a lot for viewing social media and news. I am using Epic Version 84.0.4147.105 (Official Build) (32-bit).

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