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#1 Re: General » Reddit problems started this week » 2020-08-08 19:45:14

Hi, I just came back to say that this week I managed to log into Reddit in Epic and everything works fine.  Not sure when it changed because I haven't tried to log in there since I posted here a few months ago.  I am not using a Mac... thanks!

#2 General » Reddit problems started this week » 2020-05-31 18:02:42

Replies: 2

I've been using this browser for a long time and in the past few days, I'm having problems with Reddit.  I've gone into other browsers using a different VPN to check and do not have the problems I am having while using Epic.  The main problem is I cannot access my list of communities or my own profile. That started a few days ago, and now today, even more is inaccessible. Wondering if something changed recently with Reddit or this browser.

Just remembered - also during this time frame, when the problems on Reddit started, I can no longer view videos on Showtime. I can log into my account, click on a video, and then it just never plays.  Never had this issue in Epic before, and like with Reddit, Showtime works in other browsers with VPN.

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