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#1 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Proxy icon doesn't show » 2022-01-15 07:38:32

Proxy1 wrote:


"Yes, I can verify that the Epic Encrypted Proxy is not activated on a new install.

Also, if  you activate Epic Encrypted Proxy and close the browser and run it again, it is deactivated unless you activate the Ad Blocker too.

Version 91.0.4472.124 (Official Build) (32-bit)"

Last edited by MackSix (2021-12-18 10:58:35 pm)

This might help! Good luck.

Ola, same problem at my pc epic browser, I downloaded the latest version of it, and there is no proxy/adblocker icon close to customize button.And I restarted  browser and clicked on epic extension store and it`ll jump to chrome://extensions/ page and there is nothing to chose to install except a tip and address direct to Chrome WebStore, how to deal it with pls? (By the way: China , SH)

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