
Epic for iOS and Android are live in the App Store and the Android Play Store. We're EpicBrowser on Twitter and on Facebook. Please feel free to also email our Founder directly with issues or questions: alok at hiddenreflex dot com

#1 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » EpicProxy extension download » 2023-11-17 21:43:30

I don't understand where the error messages are coming from. One minute, I can load internet sites using the Epic browser, but when I try to add an extension, I get the following error:  "Item currently unavailable. Please check the troubleshooting guide.
My first problem is that when it says, "Please check the troubleshooting guide." but it doesn't give even a clue as to how to find the troubleshooting guide. Where is the "troubleshooting guide, and how do I get to it to be able to check it?
I don't seem to understand why everything that I try to do on Epic (which would be my absolute favorite browser if only it worked when I try to use it.) results in an error. Sometimes, a "Proxy" error, and periodically a "No Internet connection" when I have not only verified that I am connected to the internet but also contacted the ISP, who can only say that there were disruptions or interruptions of my internet connection and refer me back to the browser to figure out what the trouble is, and why the browser intermittently disconnects from the internet notwithstanding the fact that the computer has remained connected to the internet. It would seem that if the computer, and the browser can reach out to the internet to link to websites, it should also be able to reach out to wherever to connect with extensions, or is my installation of Epic a faulty installation which causes how do I know when it decides that it wants to be connected to the internet, and when it just decides to drop my internet connection, and how can I fix that (in simple, non-high speed technocrat language so that I can follow it and actually correct the problem rather than induce a new one.

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