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#1 Re: Privacy News, Privacy Violations, Privacy Discussions » Russia? » 2023-11-28 15:41:25

Thank you, Alok, for your diligent development of Epic and your consummate transparency.

Reading through Epic's promotional material, your explanations are clear, indicating you are truly providing for our privacy.

I am ethically torn, though, from providing any data throughput that could benefit adversaries to global stability, like Russia, even if it is inexpensive at $2.50/month.

Am I right to understand that Bing has rates where they could 'sell' private search results to Epic that would cost an estimate of $15 per month (at 5,000 searches per month)? I would be willing to pay such a tiered rate for a U.S.-based and ethically oriented tech company like Microsoft (afaik).

As I read more on data privacy, cookies and fingerprinting, I'm beginning to get a nascent idea of how users' internet behavior is bought and sold, although if I were to present it to a jury, I think I would need a clearly diagrammed presentation. If you ever have the inclination, would you orchestrate one to show us (not necessarily a jury) how user search data might flow in the economy and at what points a browser like Epic intercedes?

Thanks again for your stalwart defense of personal freedom and agency!


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