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#1 Re: Epic Mac Bugs » ERR_PROXY_CERTIFICATE_INVALID error after upgrading to macOS Sierra » 2017-03-31 18:13:28

It looks solved here (under Mavericks 10.9) since 2 days.
Far better so. Thanks.

#2 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Mac Devs - Any ideas why our proxy isn't working in Sierra? » 2017-03-19 15:17:45

I believe it's not related to OS X Sierra because I'm using OS X 10.9 with same issue. I often need to refresh each page or even to relaunch Epic in order to have proxy to work.

#4 Re: Epic Mac Bugs » ERR_PROXY_CERTIFICATE_INVALID error after upgrading to macOS Sierra » 2017-03-19 15:08:49

Hi I believe it's not related to OS X Sierra but to proxy certificate because I'm using OS X 10.9 with same issue.

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