
Epic for iOS and Android are live in the App Store and the Android Play Store. We're EpicBrowser on Twitter and on Facebook. Please feel free to also email our Founder directly with issues or questions: alok at hiddenreflex dot com

#1 Re: General » VPN Icon - where is it? What does it look like » 2020-03-28 20:42:58


You can go to More Tools > Extensions to install the VPN, AdBlock and other extensions.
And then turn it on (green).

#2 Epic Windows Bugs » New Tab Bug » 2020-03-28 20:33:25

Replies: 1

There is a bug with the "New Tab" refreshing nonstop. Not sure what is causing it. It may be Epic trying to load its messages.
(Already tried to reset and reinstall)

#3 Epic Privacy Browser - Other Feature Requests & Ideas » Open Source Extensions Suggestions » 2020-03-28 20:25:09

Replies: 0


Alok & Epic team. I want to thank you for this amazing browser and your commitment!

I am also a privacy supporter. I would like to suggest some open source Extensions that hopefully Epic will consider:

Bookmark/Read-It-Later Managers:
- WorldBrain’s Memex (really useful extension!)
- Wallabag (self-hostable, free instance here: Framabag)
- xBrowserSync (E2E sync)

Privacy Enchancements:
- uBlock Origin
- HTTPS Everywhere
- Decentraleyes

All of them are free and open source. If you need more info, please let me know.

Thank you so much!

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