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#1 2024-05-29 18:26:30


The "Stands" extension settings will not hold, fail to remain "enable"

Added the "Stands" ad block extension because very large obnoxious ads were getting displayed on Yahoo site.

When I set all of the Stands extension options to "enabled" - they do not hold (all setting revert back to how they were when the add-on was installed) - which means that all settings revert back to "disabled".

Please advise as to what to do to fix this - I've disabled the Epic Umbrella Button for the Stands settings page and tried disconnecting the Epic VPN - and still get the same results.

Thanks in advance.


#2 2024-05-29 19:29:14


Re: The "Stands" extension settings will not hold, fail to remain "enable"

Not that I want to use Google Chrome browser - but just to test this "Stands" Adblocker - I installed the extension on the Chrome Browser and it installed with all the settings automatically all enabled.

I tried disabling and enabling various settings and all worked as they should.

So the extension works as expected on the Chrome Browser.

Now if we can just find out why that same "Stand" extension does not work on the Epic Browser.

On the Epic Browser the "Block popups" was enabled and all other settings disabled.  And I'm unable to change any settings from what they were when installed.

The setting will go to "enable" (however the "Block popups", the only one "enabled" cannot be changed) but the next time I view the settings I'll find them all "disabled" - so changes to settings do not (hold) get saved on the Epic Browser like to all do on the Chrome Browser.


#3 2024-05-30 06:55:20


Re: The "Stands" extension settings will not hold, fail to remain "enable"

It occurred to me that because the Epic browser has a native ad blocker that this might be why the Stands (ad block) extension has problems.

So, I looked into two other (Chrome type) browsers (that would use extension from the Chrome Store, same as Epic) that also have "on board" (native) Ad Blockers, i.e. the Vivaldi and Brave browsers (both of which do their own respective "native" Ad Blocking).

In both of these two browsers (Vivaldi and Brave browsers) I was able to add the "Stands" Ad Blocker (from the Chrome Store) just as I added the same extension to the Epic browser and in both cases the "Stands" Ad Blocker worked seamlessly in these other two (Vivaldi and Brave) browsers.

So if the "Stands" Ad Blocker has no problems with these two other browsers that both use "native" Ad Blockers - then one would logically assume the same "Stands" Ad Blocker should be able to work on the Epic Browser.

Problem is that the "Stands" Ad Blocker does not play well at all with the Epic Browser in as much as virtually all of the extensions settings do not work in the Epic Browser (and as previously mentioned) testing the settings with the Epic Browser Unbrella Button options disabled as well as the Epic browsers VPN disabled as well.

In as much as I've posted several topics all without any replies from anyone on this forum  up to this point (the issue with the Epic Icon was because the Icon ".ico" file was missing - why the ".ico" file turned up missing I guess will remain a mystery, but it was easily "fixed" by adding the respective ".ico" file to the location, folder, where it belongs).  All other issues remain unresolved as of now and I have to say, I'm at this point not expecting much for this topic either.

Makes one wonder, if there anyone that reads this forum that might know anything about the Epic browser? - better yet, do any Epic "Support" personnal ever look at the forum and contribute?  (can't say, based on my own experience, that the forum is much of any help for the most part sorry to say).  Hmm, maybe, I'm just reciting to myself in this case once again, as it appears has been the case for all my other topics, sorry to say....

Last edited by mjs (2024-05-30 06:58:41)


#4 2024-05-30 16:31:47


Re: The "Stands" extension settings will not hold, fail to remain "enable"

I've decided to give up on the "Stands" extension and instead am going with what appears to be a very good blocker of unwanted services (as compared to a number of extension tried out) that seems to do an excellent job at blocking a surpizingly large number of unwanted (unnecessary/undesirable) services that in some cases other similar extensions fail to block (including the unwanted items that fail to get blocked by Epic's "native" blocking).

The extension I'm now using also does a very impressive job at providing a great deal of information regarding what does get blocked (far more than many other blockers including origin of undesirable service).  The add-on has just one (annoyance) problem however (which many others have as well), which is that in some cases an empty space remains where the blocked item formerly resided on the page.  So I'm using another blocker that addresses the empy space that  sometimes remains (because this secondary blocker provides so very little details at all on what is getting blocked I'm using the two blockers in tandem). So I continue have the plethora of information regarding blocked items at my disposal that the former extension does such a great job at providing. Fortunately it appears the latter extension is only blocking (addressing) the "empty" space left behind on the page based on the latter extensions activity counter.


#5 2024-06-16 03:59:46


Re: The "Stands" extension settings will not hold, fail to remain "enable"

Because of our partnership with Yahoo, it is white-listed from our Ad Blocker.  You can use other ad blockers to block Yahoo ads, but yes, there can be issues running multiple ad blockers which may be happening.  We don't know anything about Strands specifically.


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