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I've just discovered this browser, it's really impressive, have some unique and streamlined featured, and have a huge potential.
However, after a brief search for the reviews, I've found this article: … ata-leaks/
Which points out that during the active session, files containing surfing history and data are written to the hard drive, despite the claims that the browser constantly runs in a "incognito mode".
And, indeed, even year after the article was published, this problem still persists, as folder:
AppData\Local\Epic Privacy Browser\User Data\Default\Local Storage
contains a file per almost every site visited during the active session.
I've compared the behavior to few other chromium-based browsers (even Google Chrome), and they didn't perform writes there during active session in "incognito" mode.
Another, even worse issue, is that while those files are deleted upon session end, the following folder:
AppData\Local\Epic Privacy Browser\User Data\Default\IndexedDB
still contained sub-folders with names, very descriptive of the websites visited, and were never removed.
So, claiming to use "improved incognito mode constantly", while actually writing more history traces to the hard drive, than the average chrome browser in its "simple incognito" mode, is a huge flaw.
It promises somewhat "false" security, which is very incompetent and dangerous.
Can you please elaborate on this issue? Why it still present for so long?
I hope it can be fixed soon, as any similar potential holes.
As I view security+privacy enhanced products are needed and highly encouraged.
Whilst I was browsing Epic was storing info in the places the above post mentioned, however, ALL the files were deleted after I closed Epic.