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Just wonder if there is data encritpion when using your proxy?
We think that this browser is excellent.
We are on it. If you find yourself on this IP "", your proxy is encrypted which comes once in 10 times. We are working on stabilising it.
why my real ip address still leaking if checked via flash?
check it here:
ip-check[dot]info (then click "start test!")
Plugins like Flash and Java can leak your actual IP address. If you want really strong protection against your IP leaking, go to "Settings" and "Disable Plugins".
We hope in the next few weeks to migrate our proxy to an encrypted proxy, right now it's still being tested and working for a portion of our users.
Thanks for your feedback & support!!
I have just downloaded the update 2456 for Mac, but there is no red/green plug on right hand side of the entry bar. I have tried closing down and re-opening the browser a number of times, but it is still not there. Can anyone offer a fix please?
Offline, Sorry about that, We have written so much robust code for that, it should come back no matter what on quitting...!
Which one of this you tried Quit Epic or clicking on browser red button? Try Quitting it should come back.
Let us know if this has fixed.
You can also follow this thread if I'm not clear