
Epic for iOS and Android are live in the App Store and the Android Play Store. We're EpicBrowser on Twitter and on Facebook. Please feel free to also email our Founder directly with issues or questions: alok at hiddenreflex dot com

#1 2016-04-20 15:48:22


Proxy contact fails


I downloaded the most up to date version of Epic (48.0.2553.0) onto a new PC with Windows 10 and Kaspersky protection.  Now I cannot secure a proxy connection, but my laptop with an earlier version of Epic (40.--) is unaffected.  Is this a Windows 10 problem, a Kaspersky problem or an update problem?


#2 2016-06-14 21:49:08


Re: Proxy contact fails

I have the same problem. Last year when I installed Kapersky on a Win 7 laptop it refused to allow the proxy. Now I have a brand new laptop, Windows ten, and the same applies. I will not be renewing my licence since the product is obstructive.


#3 2016-08-02 13:25:00

Re: Proxy contact fails

I have just re-installed Epic after a couple of years and, like others, can't get the proxy to activate. How do I do this? Is it supposed to be automatic? Thanks in advance for any help.


#4 2016-08-14 11:31:02


Re: Proxy contact fails

Not sure why the proxy isn't working for you.  When you click the red icon to become green, the proxy should be on.  Not sure why it's not working for you...if you've just re-installed Epic, that could be the issue.  You need to completely uninstall it then re-install it to avoid some issues.  Follow these instructions:

[optional] Backup Passwords & Bookmarks.  Open a window navigator, then type %localappdata% and press return. Then open the “Epic Privacy Browser” folder, then open the “User Data” folder, then open the “Default” folder.  Then copy the files (not the folders) in the “Default” folder — particularly “Bookmarks” “Bookmarks.bak” “Login Data” “Login Data.journal” “TransportSecurity” “Preferences” and any other files there.  Copy those files into some safe folder on your system!!

[1] Uninstall Epic. At the bottom of the Epic menu there’s an “Uninstall” option (or you can use the Windows uninstall method).
[2] Delete Epic Folders. After you uninstall Epic, to be even more safe, please delete the “Epic Privacy Browser” folder in case it’s still there — to do this, open a window navigator, then type %localappdata% and press return. Then delete the “Epic Privacy Browser” folder if it is there. Then check if you have an additional folder named “Epic”, if so, then open it and see if you have these folders: crash reports folder and update folder. If you do, please delete both folders. [Note: the chromium uninstall process is surprisingly not very thorough (not sure why), but we've cleaned it up considerably with the latest Epic.]
[3] Download and Install Latest Epic. Download the latest epic from and install it.

[optional]  Import Bookmarks and Passwords Files.  Open a window navigator, then type %localappdata% and press return. Then open the “Epic Privacy Browser” folder, then open the “User Data” folder, then open the “Default” folder.  Then copy the files (not the folders) you had previously copied/backed up into the “Default” folder


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