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If you're on Windows and your proxy stopped working, please open the Epic Settings Page, then scroll to the bottom and click on "Reset Epic". Then close / re-open Epic. That should fix your proxy.
Basically you had a new Epic with an old proxy...resetting Epic gets you the new, working proxy!
I have am mac and my proxy stopped working. I have reset epic and it did not help. Could you please help me get the browser working again?
Hi, I have a mac and my proxy stopped working. I have tried everything to fix it. Could you please help me.
How about on Macintosh? I have been unable to connect to Epic's proxy for about a week.
Epic Version 53.0.2785.143 (64-bit)
Mac OS 10.10.5
Hey alok_epicteam,
I've been using Epic on MAC for a couple of years and it was great. But a few days ago it's stopped working completely. I tried to reset it but it was useless. Every time I tried to use it I can see only this:
Is there any method to solve this?
Thank you.
I have a mac and tried this. Still does not work. What else can I do?
If you're on Windows and your proxy stopped working, please open the Epic Settings Page, then scroll to the bottom and click on "Reset Epic". Then close / re-open Epic. That should fix your proxy.
Basically you had a new Epic with an old proxy...resetting Epic gets you the new, working proxy!
i do have the same problem on Mac and Epic version .143 ,by proxy on any further connection is inhibited !! Even the reset procedure don't hepls.
am on mac, past week getting 'Unable to connect to the proxy server'
tried chrome://net-internals/#proxy
PAC script: data:application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig;base64,ZnVuY3Rpb24gRmluZFByb3h5Rm9yVVJMKHVybCwgaG9zdCkgewppZihob3N0PT0nd3d3LmVwaWNzZWFyY2guaW4nKSAKcmV0dXJuICdIVFRQUyBlcGljYnJvd3Nlci5uZXQ6NDQzMDA7RElSRUNUOyc7CiAgIHJldHVybiAnSFRUUFMgZXBpY2Jyb3dzZXIubmV0OjQ0MzAwOyc7Cn0=
have tried reset without much success
?? solution
I tried several times and at the end it worked. But when i reiniciate windows i still have this problem.
I am not sure but think it is related to the update to the windows creator version.
Ever when I start Epic, the proxy does not connect. When I open a webpage it connects apparently (changes to the green connected button in stead of the red disconnect button), but it does not redirect me to a proxy.
I tried several times and at the end it worked. But when i reiniciate windows i still have this problem.
I am not sure but think it is related to the update to the windows creator version.
Ever when I start Epic, the proxy does not connect. When I open a webpage it connects apparently (changes to the green connected button in stead of the red disconnect button), but it does not redirect me to a proxy.
I'm on a mac. Followed the above instructions and I'm still getting the "Unable to connect to the proxy server" message
I tried the above fix and I'm still getting the "Unable to connect to the proxy server" error message. I'm on a mac. OS 10.10.5
I don't see "Reset Epic" at the bottom of the Epic browser settings. I want to show here a screenshot of the Epic settings I see but I do not see a button to insert images.
I dont have a reset epic to click on. Do you mean "reset browser settings"?