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I find your browser perfect, you've done a good job. I want to change from Chrome to Epic totally, but I cannot because I (and my whole family) uses 1Password. I already have recommended Epic to all my friends.... Please integrate 1Password extension to Epic Browser!!!
Epic is great but we cannot all migrate to LastPass.
And even if we could, we wouldn't want to give up 1Password's option to keep its database only on your own machines - instead of LastPass' servers, an approach that's not well aligned with Epic's security focus (remember how LastPass databases got hacked last year … 1711463571)
I have tried and rejected LastPass because of security concerns. I've tried and rejected RoboForm because its integration is mediocre on Mac. 1Password is the #1 PW manager on Macs. Please bring us in from the cold!
I'd like to add my support in favour of a 1Password extension.
I (and my family) don't use LastPass, (for good reason - see below) and we cannot live without 1Password. (Okay, so maybe we can live without it - we simply could function on-line). Since both Chrome and Epic are built on chromium, it seems reasonable to think that the Chrome extension would be close to an Epic extension, but the Chrome extension currently does not work on Epic. Any chance of seeing Epic adopt the already available Chrome extension?
I'd love to change to Epic but lack of 1Password support is a major drawback. Can you please add support for 1Password?
Keep up the good work and thanks,
1Password is a necessary complement (or a complementary necessity?) to Epic.
Yes, we need 1Password support, please.
For Mac users, the lack of an extension for 1Password is a deal-breaker. 1Pass is the #1 password for the Mac and very popular & highly rated on other platforms. Support for it should be a no-brainer!
After trying Opera, Brave, Vivaldi, Aloha, and others in my attempt to abandon Chrome, I guess I'll also have to cross-off Epic.
Why has Epic been dragging its feet on this important Extension offering? Is it a technical issue? Or has the (notoriously insecure) LastPass paid you for an exclusive?? If the latter, listen & respond to your users' requests!!
I'll give Epic a few days more of trial, then decide. But chances are, I'll be outta here...