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Is it possible to download chrome plugins with this browser? I wanted to download ad block plus because it has a feature that allows me to block certain elements on pages from showing up. However, I can't seem to find any external links and Google's store when they host it on has their download button hidden for this browser it seems. Is there a work around for this?
AdBlock is built into Epic so don't worry, your'e safe!
There are limited number of addons you can download via "Extensions" at the top left of Epic's settings or preferences page.
We highly limit the number of addons we support because any addon can access your whole browsing history and they regularly do sell your browsing history / aren't that trustworthy unfortunately.
If adblock is built-in, it isn't working. I see "ads" that should not be there. When using Vivaldi browser I use uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger and those "ads" are not on the same page in Vivaldi as I am looking at in Epic.
So, you think EFF is collecting info on users of Privacy Badger? I doubt that.
If adblock is built-in, it isn't working. I see "ads" that should not be there. When using Vivaldi browser I use uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger and those "ads" are not on the same page in Vivaldi as I am looking at in Epic.
So, you think EFF is collecting info on users of Privacy Badger? I doubt that.
people make something that you can use , but in the background they collect user info . passwords. and bank info. all under the guise of something useful that works. not saying that is in your case