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Fantastic that you're enjoying Epic for Android :-). Please share it with your friends, family & followers and rate it at 5 stars in the Play Store (if you feel it deserves 5*). We really need your support to grow our Android usage -- we love the Android browser too and want to invest in continued development for it :-).
For Wordpress, it looks likes a wordpress redirect error...when I delete the redirect part at the end I got this url which did work for me:
Please let us know if that url worked & let you log in.
Sorry about that...yes later noticed that the login screen comes but then doesn't work. Hopefully this can be fixed in the next major desktop update which is coming in around 2 months. We'll try to get it out sooner -- thanks to being sustainable we're building out our engineering team :-).
Hi Will, the middle of April is probably optimistic...we're working on a major update to the desktop browsers which should fix the WP issue. It is probably still a few weeks away though -- I think May is more realistic. Sorry again about that..we're working on getting faster bug fixes out this year.