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Like any article there is always a bit of truth.
From Alok
"Epic itself doesn't connect to any Google servers. What connects to Google is the Widevine plugin which is owned by Google and needs to check for updates whenever it's opened (or it doesn't work). Interesting that if you block it, Epic doesn't work -- that shouldn't happen. You should also be able to delete the Widevine plugin somewhere and Epic should work fine. Widevine is a proprietary plugin for DRM media e.g. Netflix, and many other media sites use to stream media while protecting it." … 174#p69174
No browser is going to be perfect or it probably won't function. It never hurts to read about these things.
Thanks for your thoughts!
Note that WideVine is a plugin and separate from Epic so no browsing data or such ever goes through it except when it's actually in use on video sites like Netflix, etc.