
Epic for iOS and Android are live in the App Store and the Android Play Store. We're EpicBrowser on Twitter and on Facebook. Please feel free to also email our Founder directly with issues or questions: alok at hiddenreflex dot com

#1 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Unable to open Epic Browser » 2024-07-07 02:31:50

For Mac users, be careful on updating if you're using an old version of OSX.  Sometimes new versions of Chromium don't support older OSX versions. 

Windows automatically updates and they should work on most versions of Windows.

Not sure why Epic would ever stop working.  You can try "Reset Epic" or uninstalling / reinstalling Epic.  Be sure to back up bookmarks & passwords first.  Here are some instructions. 

[optional] Backup Passwords & Bookmarks.  Open a window navigator, then type %localappdata% and press return. Then open the “Epic Privacy Browser” folder, then open the “User Data” folder, then open the “Default” folder.  Then copy the files (not the folders) in the “Default” folder — particularly “Bookmarks” “Bookmarks.bak” “Login Data” “Login Data.journal” “TransportSecurity” “Preferences” and any other files there.  Copy those files into some safe folder on your system!!

[1] Uninstall Epic. At the bottom of the Epic menu there’s an “Uninstall” option (or you can use the Windows uninstall method).
[2] Delete Epic Folders. After you uninstall Epic, to be even more safe, please delete the “Epic Privacy Browser” folder in case it’s still there — to do this, open a window navigator, then type %localappdata% and press return. Then delete the “Epic Privacy Browser” folder if it is there. Then check if you have an additional folder named “Epic”, if so, then open it and see if you have these folders: crash reports folder and update folder. If you do, please delete both folders. [Note: the chromium uninstall process is surprisingly not very thorough (not sure why), but we’ve cleaned it up considerably with the latest Epic.]. Windows users can also delete any registry entries Epic may have made. 
[3] Download and Install Latest Epic. Download the latest epic from and install it.

[optional]  Import Bookmarks and Passwords Files.  Open a window navigator, then type %localappdata% and press return. Then open the “Epic Privacy Browser” folder, then open the “User Data” folder, then open the “Default” folder.  Then copy the files (not the folders) you had previously copied/backed up into the “Default” folder

#2 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » No Buttons To Activate VPN or Ad Blocker » 2024-07-07 02:17:28

This is odd.  The extensions should of course be there & just need to be enabled.  If you're in China, downloading the extensions may be blocked -- try to re-install Epic while using a VPN.  You could try "Reset Epic" to see if that re-creates the extensions / delete the Extensions folder & see if they get re-created.

#3 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Privacy Features & Privacy Concerns » ublock origin » 2024-07-07 02:15:36

Thanks for letting us know.  We'll work to fix this in a major update coming in a few weeks.

#4 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Privacy Features & Privacy Concerns » Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) » 2024-07-04 00:50:11

Not sure...we'll check into it and get it working in our next major update coming in a few weeks.

#5 Re: Epic Mac Bugs » Macbook M3 installation not working » 2024-06-21 02:13:55

Epic isn't in the Mac App Store for desktop / laptop Macs.  So you may be downloading Epic for iOS which won't work on a Mac.  You can download Epic for desktop from

#6 Re: Privacy News, Privacy Violations, Privacy Discussions » is this true? » 2024-06-16 04:26:26

Sorry for the very late reply...but Epic of course continues to be developed & supported.  We do have a business model via free & paid search.

#7 Re: Epic Mac Bugs » Newest Update Doesn't Launch » 2024-06-16 04:24:58

II suspect you may have accidentally installed the ARM version of Epic for Macs.  Please try re-downloading Epic but be sure it's the Intel version and try that.  If doesn't work, email Alok as you may need an older version of Epic to run on your OSX version.

#8 Re: Epic Mac Bugs » Macbook M3 installation not working » 2024-06-16 04:23:33

What happened?  Do you click on Epic and then it doesn't open? 

If so, I suspect you may have accidentally installed the Intel version of Epic for Macs.  Please try re-downloading Epic but be sure it's the ARM version and try that.  It should work fine on your system.

#9 Re: Epic Mac Bugs » Doesn't launch » 2024-06-16 04:20:44

You may have accidentally installed the ARM version of Epic for Macs.  Please try re-downloading Epic but be sure it's the Intel version and try that.  If that doesn't work, please email Alok, you may need an even older version of Epic to run on your version of OSX.

#10 Re: Epic Windows Bugs » Epic Encrypted Proxy & Epic AdBlocker not showing up » 2024-06-16 04:19:07

Sorry about this & thanks for trying these steps.  For some reason, you're getting an older version of Epic.  That may be the issue.  Please email Alok directly and he'll have someone help you.

#11 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Other Feature Requests & Ideas » "Keep me logged in" issues » 2024-06-16 04:15:38

Thank you so much for your support & kind words.  Fantastic Epic's been working so well for you for so many years & that it keeps getting better.

In terms of being logged in on re-open, in the newest versions of Epic, you can disable delete data on close via Epic's privacy settings.  This used to NOT be an option and Epic would delete all cookies on close so you would have to re-login. 

For Translate pages, Epic hasn't supported this in-built for privacy reasons -- essentially we'd have to send every url you visit to some translation web service.  There are many extensions that support this you can install via the chrome webstore for desktop Epic.  We expect local, private translation in the browser is coming in the next few years thanks to AI...let's see :-).

#12 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Other Feature Requests & Ideas » Two issues that are almost bugs » 2024-06-16 04:12:01

Thanks, good catches.  The VPN profile you mention is in Epic for iOS?  Does it come up too often (you don't need the VPN support)?

#13 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Other Feature Requests & Ideas » Chrome web store - Update Browser Message » 2024-06-16 04:11:14

Hi Phil, yes there are multiple updates out.  That's an old version of Epic...not sure why your Epic isn't auto-updating assuming you're on Windows.

Please back up your bookmarks & passwords & try to uninstall Epic (then on Windows delete the Epic folder in %localappdata% & any registry entries) then re-install Epic.

#14 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Other Feature Requests & Ideas » qtorrent » 2024-06-16 04:09:24

The VPN service is primarily for browsing protection and downloading files while browsing.  We don't have a built in torrent service.

#15 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Privacy Features & Privacy Concerns » Developers are mining on my video card. The load is always 75-80% » 2024-06-16 04:07:26

This is probably not Epic.  Check other recently installed software and other browsers.  If you close Epic make sure to also manually delete all then any scripts running should be deleted.  This should solve the issue.  Also make sure there aren't any extensions installed in Epic from the Chrome Webstore or that aren't from Epic itself...those could cause the issue as well.

#16 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » There are no built in extensions » 2024-06-16 04:04:44

Try the alternative Chrome webstore urls.  Sometimes the new url doesn't work, but the old webstore url will work.

#17 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » New Tab Extencions- Background Image » 2024-06-16 04:03:11

Odd.  It should be permanently off.  Maybe we're deleting the setting for it as we delete all data on close.  We'll check into this, thanks for letting us know.

#18 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Epic browser crashing every time » 2024-06-16 04:02:19

Hi, it may be the latest versions of Chromium no longer support Big Sur.  Please email Alok for links to older Mac versions which could run on your system.

#19 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Location leak in Epic mobile » 2024-06-16 04:01:32

For some Android users of the latest Android update, clicking on links from Yahoo results bypasses the proxy.  We're working to fix this asap but due to Google's rules, we have to do a major update which is taking a bit of time but is nearly ready.   So a fix is coming soon.

Typing in urls in the address should not bypass the proxy.

#20 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » The "Stands" extension settings will not hold, fail to remain "enable" » 2024-06-16 03:59:46

Because of our partnership with Yahoo, it is white-listed from our Ad Blocker.  You can use other ad blockers to block Yahoo ads, but yes, there can be issues running multiple ad blockers which may be happening.  We don't know anything about Strands specifically.

#21 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Can anyone PLEASE answer a simple question? » 2024-06-16 03:57:56

Sometimes if the page already always opens as HTTPS, it will revert back.  Not sure though if it doesn't open why HTTPS everywhere keeps turning itself back on.  Sorry about that.  Please post the url so we can test this.

#22 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Disappeared » 2024-06-16 03:56:57

Are you on Mac or Windows?  Please check in Application Support or in %localappdata% for the Epic folder then the shortcut to open Epic to see if that works.  Please feel free to email Alok for more help as well.

#23 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Questions: » 2024-06-16 03:55:53

Good work on getting the ico icon working! 

We'll check into why the "keep me logged in" isn't working for the forum...our forum software is a bit older.

#24 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » YouTube ads aren't blocked » 2024-06-16 03:54:19

Sorry about that, we do regularly update the ad blocker as sites like YouTube do keep trying to evade ad blockers.  Hopefully it's fixed by now.

#25 Re: Epic Privacy Browser - Help & Troubleshooting » Does Epic work on Windows 7? » 2024-06-16 03:53:10

Please email Alok and he'll have someone help you.  These may be Win 7 specific issues...but we'll try to help you get all Epic features & extensions working.

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